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 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.

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Elena Watson
Elena Watson
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_ltzzbhf05f1r23tzz
Messages : 29
Age : vingt-neuf ans.
Statut civil : veuve.
Métier : infirmière militaire.
Adresse : sur la base.
Célébrité : katie cassidy.

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:04

elena marty watson
Lorsque j'ai vu le jour, je devais avoir un prénom, alors après de longues minutes on a décidé que ça allait être : Elena Marty Watson. J'endure ce nom depuis vingt-huit ans, on m'a dit que c'était le 18 avril à Dublin que j'avais vu la première fois le jour. On m'a toujours dit que je devrais un jour gagner de l'argent, c'est pour ça qu'en ce moment je suis infirmière. Et vu que dans la vie on ne peut jamais être seul... Je suis veuve et si on me demandait si cela me convient je dirais : oui. Je vis actuellement sur la base . D'ailleurs j'y réside depuis cinq ans. Puis pour parfaire la perfection que je suis, j'ai un caractère en or : souriante, méfiante, renfermée, maniaque, minutieuse, secrète, impulsive. Et je peux vous garantir que je suis army.

je ne suis pas un robot
L'histoire a commencé il y a dix-huit ans, les soixante ans sont encore loin... En tout cas je vis actuellement en France. Puis vu que j'ai un méga ordinateur de la mort qui tue tout, je vais me connecter : environ 5/7j . Vu que j'aime le forum et que j'ai craqué en le voyant sur Bazzart Arrow, j'ai donc décidé de m'inscrire avec katie cassidy.

Dernière édition par Elena Watson le Sam 23 Fév - 13:16, édité 4 fois
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Elena Watson
Elena Watson
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_ltzzbhf05f1r23tzz
Messages : 29
Age : vingt-neuf ans.
Statut civil : veuve.
Métier : infirmière militaire.
Adresse : sur la base.
Célébrité : katie cassidy.

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:04

je tiens à vous le dire
Si je te dis militaire, tu me réponds quoi ?
Je réponds directement : courage. Oui parce qu'il faut du courage pour s'engager, et savoir qu'on risque d'y laisser sa peau. Mais il faut du courage pour bien plus : sacrifier une vie paisible, et la troquer contre une vie semée d'embauches. Presque tous aiment ça, mais beaucoup savent qu'il vont le regretter quand ils seront en train de mourir, au front, sans voir une dernière fois leur femme ou leur dernier né. Il faut du courage aussi pour ceux qui travaillent à la base militaire. Bien du courage, pour supporter la tension environnante qui règne sur la base, toute la journée et même la nuit. Il leur faut du courage, car grâce à tous ces militaires là aussi, souffrent de traumatismes à vie.

Des manies, des tics, en as-tu ?
J'ai bien quelques tics et manies, mais je n'aime pas me les faire remarquer. Mon plus gros tics, reste celui de toucher à mes lèvres sans cesse, de me les mordiller, et de me les titiller. Pas mal de monde me dit que c'est révélateur d'un stress, mais je n'en crois pas un mot, cela fait bien dix ans que j'ai ce tic ! Sinon, j'ai bien aussi une manie, qui se révèle ennuyante : celle de devoir ranger les affaires des autres lorsqu'elles sont en désordre. Cela me vaut parfois des remerciements, et d'autres fois, des soufflantes, surtout quand je fais ça à un de mes supérieurs. La dernière manie que j'ai remarquée chez moi, est de sursauter à chaque fois que j'aperçois un enfant. Comme si l'enfant me rappelle que l'horloge biologique tourne, et que si je ne fais rien je finirai seule.

je vous expose ma vie
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_ltzyovUrCj1r23tzz « C'est ce genre de vie, que je ne veux plus de nouveau mener. » disait-elle à son psychologue. Il l'écoutait profondément. Il lui avait été attribué juste après la mort de son mari, John. Celui-ci s'était bêtement prit une balle à un endroit sensible : la gorge, seul endroit à peu près découvert de leur uniforme. Cela faisait bien cinq ans que les deux tourtereaux étaient arrivés sur cette base, et jusqu'ici aucun des deux n'avait eu d'accident. Le pire, pour elle, est sans doute d'imaginer qu'elle ne retrouvera jamais d'homme à la hauteur de John. Elle sait que son affection ne reviendra plus jamais pour quelqu'un d'autre. « Ecoutez, ça fait bien une heure que je suis là, je souhaite rentrer dans mon appartement. Je vous remercie, mais ça suffira. » dit-elle juste avant de se lever du divan, sous le regard réprobateur du psychologue. Lorsqu'elle quitta le bureau, elle se sentit faiblir, et s'adossa rapidement au premier mur qui vint à son encontre. Elle ne pouvait supporter cette douleur. Elle en voulait à tout le monde, et à son destin en particulier. Elle considérait avoir une vie de minable, et de raté. Habituellement, la seule personne capable de la calmer et de l'adoucir quand elle pensait des choses pareilles, c'était bien John. Et là. Qui était là pour elle ? Personne. Qu'ils aillent tous voir ailleurs. Elle ne supportait plus les gens qui lui offrait de la pitié, des regards tristes et compatissants. Elle voulait quelqu'un à la hauteur.

Cela faisait bientôt deux ans que John était mort, et Elena ne s'en remettait que très mal. Elle n'arrivait pas à penser à n'importe qui d'autre une fois qu'elle rentrait chez elle. Elle avait même conservé des affaires lui appartenant, pour dormir avec. Cependant, elle savait pertinemment qu'un jour ou l'autre, elle devrait se détacher de cette image qu'elle avait de son mari, et créer ainsi une seconde rupture avec lui. Elle savait que ça allait être dur et que ça allait demander des efforts. Mais après tout, elle était bien épaulée par Oliver depuis un bout de temps. Il se montrait très compréhensif, et présent. Elle ne l'avait jamais vu comme ça, mais elle en était d'autant plus ravie de voir, que , finalement, Oliver n'était pas qu'un soldat sans coeur. Oliver était un peu le contraire de John. John était calme, sans un brin de folie, mais très raisonné. Oliver, lui était plus dans le fort tempérament. Cependant, bizarrement, Elena se surprit à le regarder avec un regard entiché. Elle s'en voulut énormément, pour John, et se promit de ne plus jamais revoir Oliver.... Sauf que c'est plus dur qu'elle ne le pense. Elle a de plus en plus besoin de lui, finalement.

Aujourd'hui, plusieurs choses la mettent en rogne : elle doit se débarrasser de ces incongrus sentiments éprouvés pour Oliver, elle doit se concentrer sur son job d'infirmière sur la base, surtout qu'il y a pas mal de blessés à suivre... et elle doit aussi informer son cousin, d'un lourd secret. Elle n'arrive plus trop à se dépatouiller de toutes ces histoires, et aimerait énormément en finir avec tout ça.

Dernière édition par Elena Watson le Sam 23 Fév - 13:15, édité 7 fois
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Phoebe Gallagher
Phoebe Gallagher
I hear this voice telling me to be careful
Je suis prisonnière de mon passé, quoi qu'il arrive, mon passé restera à jamais en moi.

Messages : 415
Age : Vingt-deux ans.
Statut civil : Mariée à celui qui a fait chavirer mon coeur.
Métier : Détective privée.
Adresse : Sur la base avec mon mari.
Célébrité : Nina Dobrev.
Pseudo : Toxic Glam (Brenda)


For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:06

Fiou titre de la mort qui tue For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1981933914
Cassidy, dans Arrow elle est parfaite, je la vénère For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1234828167 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 750490116 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 2502731906 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1981933914 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1831662145
Si tu as une petit, grande question le staff est là pour toi What a Face
Puis bon courage pour ta fiche, j'ai déjà hâte de la lire. For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1791864659 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 2491259032
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Shane Meehan
Shane Meehan
Messages : 231
Age : 37 ans
Statut civil : Célibataire
Métier : Major of the Battalion
Adresse : Sur la base
Célébrité : Damian Lewis
Pseudo : Luny

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:07

Une bienvenue plus officiel sur la fiche ;D
Un avatar superbe, j'ai hâte de voir ce que tu vas en faire ! Et n'hésite pas à harceler par mp, on adore For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1234828167
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Juliet Monroe
Juliet Monroe
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_mdttqdZYvu1r8jtlpo2_250
so cradle your head in your hands and breathe... just breathe.

Messages : 227
Age : vingt-quatre ans.
Statut civil : célibataire.
Métier : infirmière dans l'armée.
Adresse : sur la base.
Célébrité : ashley greene.
Pseudo : untamed heart. (jessica)


For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:09

BIENVENUE SUR ARMY WIVES. For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 826589916
Bon courage pour ta fiche, n'hésite surtout pas à nous contacter si tu as des questions. For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1234828167
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Elena Watson
Elena Watson
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_ltzzbhf05f1r23tzz
Messages : 29
Age : vingt-neuf ans.
Statut civil : veuve.
Métier : infirmière militaire.
Adresse : sur la base.
Célébrité : katie cassidy.

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:17

Phoebe toi je t'aime, parce que Arrow et moi ça ne fait qu'un, et j'ai l'impression que toi aussi For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 31842250 Merci ma jolie, moi j'ai hâte de voir le beau mari gallager arriver sur le forum For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 981450950 I love you
Shane je vais bientôt te mpotter alors For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 102524921 en tout cas, faudra réfléchir au lien aussi I love you merci à toi, beau mâle For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1981933914
Juliet merci à toi ! Ya pas de soucis, j'hésiterai pas une seule seconde For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1234828167
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Shane Meehan
Shane Meehan
Messages : 231
Age : 37 ans
Statut civil : Célibataire
Métier : Major of the Battalion
Adresse : Sur la base
Célébrité : Damian Lewis
Pseudo : Luny

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:20

Mpotte donc, ne t'en prive surtout pas For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 981450950
Beau mâle ? Ôô Merci pour la flatterie I love you
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Elena Watson
Elena Watson
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_ltzzbhf05f1r23tzz
Messages : 29
Age : vingt-neuf ans.
Statut civil : veuve.
Métier : infirmière militaire.
Adresse : sur la base.
Célébrité : katie cassidy.

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:37

Attends que je finisse de faire ma fiche, et tu vas être overbooké For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 2680354735
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Phoebe Gallagher
Phoebe Gallagher
I hear this voice telling me to be careful
Je suis prisonnière de mon passé, quoi qu'il arrive, mon passé restera à jamais en moi.

Messages : 415
Age : Vingt-deux ans.
Statut civil : Mariée à celui qui a fait chavirer mon coeur.
Métier : Détective privée.
Adresse : Sur la base avec mon mari.
Célébrité : Nina Dobrev.
Pseudo : Toxic Glam (Brenda)


For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:41

Arrow c'est la vie I love you Puis avec Colton dedans maintenant, je suis carrément conquise For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1981933914 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 2491259032
Le beau mari Gallagher, je vais lui faire sa fête For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1559830182 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 3746859517
En plus il fera le regard comme sur la photo For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 843898371
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Elena Watson
Elena Watson
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_ltzzbhf05f1r23tzz
Messages : 29
Age : vingt-neuf ans.
Statut civil : veuve.
Métier : infirmière militaire.
Adresse : sur la base.
Célébrité : katie cassidy.

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:43

Oui j'ai vu Colton, j'ai halluciné For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1584171965 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1981933914
C'est clair, (même si je serais sa soeur, il me fera quand même ces regards là For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1831662145 )
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Phoebe Gallagher
Phoebe Gallagher
I hear this voice telling me to be careful
Je suis prisonnière de mon passé, quoi qu'il arrive, mon passé restera à jamais en moi.

Messages : 415
Age : Vingt-deux ans.
Statut civil : Mariée à celui qui a fait chavirer mon coeur.
Métier : Détective privée.
Adresse : Sur la base avec mon mari.
Célébrité : Nina Dobrev.
Pseudo : Toxic Glam (Brenda)


For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:44

En plus avec sa petite capuche rouge, il était beau I love you
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 3746859517 rah j'imagine déjà les rps For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 2680354735
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Elena Watson
Elena Watson
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_ltzzbhf05f1r23tzz
Messages : 29
Age : vingt-neuf ans.
Statut civil : veuve.
Métier : infirmière militaire.
Adresse : sur la base.
Célébrité : katie cassidy.

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:57

j'hésite à changer d'avatar For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 981450950 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Katie2bisFor most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_maao5gGmuf1qic3nro7_250 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 2H7vv
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Phoebe Gallagher
Phoebe Gallagher
I hear this voice telling me to be careful
Je suis prisonnière de mon passé, quoi qu'il arrive, mon passé restera à jamais en moi.

Messages : 415
Age : Vingt-deux ans.
Statut civil : Mariée à celui qui a fait chavirer mon coeur.
Métier : Détective privée.
Adresse : Sur la base avec mon mari.
Célébrité : Nina Dobrev.
Pseudo : Toxic Glam (Brenda)


For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 18:59

Han je l'aimais bien celui que tu avais, son regard For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1981933914
Mais là, je dirais le premier For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1234828167
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Elena Watson
Elena Watson
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_ltzzbhf05f1r23tzz
Messages : 29
Age : vingt-neuf ans.
Statut civil : veuve.
Métier : infirmière militaire.
Adresse : sur la base.
Célébrité : katie cassidy.

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 19:00

tu préfères celui que j'ai ? I love you je trouve qu'on voit pas assez son joli minois mais remarque oui il est vraiment sympa What a Face
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Phoebe Gallagher
Phoebe Gallagher
I hear this voice telling me to be careful
Je suis prisonnière de mon passé, quoi qu'il arrive, mon passé restera à jamais en moi.

Messages : 415
Age : Vingt-deux ans.
Statut civil : Mariée à celui qui a fait chavirer mon coeur.
Métier : Détective privée.
Adresse : Sur la base avec mon mari.
Célébrité : Nina Dobrev.
Pseudo : Toxic Glam (Brenda)


For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 19:14

J'adore surtout son regard sur celui que tu as For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1234828167
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River Fawkes
River Fawkes
I am motivated
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_m8kzvs1ndy1rzvn3mo1_500 I REMEMBER...

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_m49ln42WwS1rw1zmfo1_500

Messages : 219
Age : 24 ans.
Statut civil : c'est compliqué...
Métier : sergent.
Adresse : la base.
Célébrité : phoebe tonkin
Pseudo : BLACKHEART™, charline.

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 20:55

Bienvenue sur le forum & bon courage pour ta fiche ! For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 981450950 LAUREEEEEEEEEEEEEL. For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 2502731906 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 2502731906 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 2502731906 Non mais Katie Cassidy est un excellent choix. For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1234828167
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Amira Jenkins
Amira Jenkins
I am motivated
Messages : 282
Age : vingt et un ans
Statut civil : Célibtaire
Métier : Future psychologue et Profiler & aide-soignante
Adresse : Sur la base depuis vingt et un ans
Célébrité : Ashley Benson
Pseudo : Aerie(Valérie)

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptyVen 22 Fév - 22:50

CASSIDY !!!! For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 2502731906
Bienvenue sur le forum ! Excellent choix d'avatar !
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Elena Watson
Elena Watson
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_ltzzbhf05f1r23tzz
Messages : 29
Age : vingt-neuf ans.
Statut civil : veuve.
Métier : infirmière militaire.
Adresse : sur la base.
Célébrité : katie cassidy.

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptySam 23 Fév - 10:54

Vous êtes bonnes les filles For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 2680354735
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Nora Thompson
Nora Thompson
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Pie

Messages : 26
Age : 26 ANS
Statut civil : MARRIEE
Adresse : SUR LA BASE
Célébrité : EMMY ROSSUM


For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptySam 23 Fév - 11:47

Bienvenue. For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1584171965
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Elena Watson
Elena Watson
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_ltzzbhf05f1r23tzz
Messages : 29
Age : vingt-neuf ans.
Statut civil : veuve.
Métier : infirmière militaire.
Adresse : sur la base.
Célébrité : katie cassidy.

For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptySam 23 Fév - 11:54

Merci ma belle I love you
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Juliet Monroe
Juliet Monroe
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_mdttqdZYvu1r8jtlpo2_250
so cradle your head in your hands and breathe... just breathe.

Messages : 227
Age : vingt-quatre ans.
Statut civil : célibataire.
Métier : infirmière dans l'armée.
Adresse : sur la base.
Célébrité : ashley greene.
Pseudo : untamed heart. (jessica)


For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. EmptySam 23 Fév - 14:49

tu es validé(e).
For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_lw1hv39rxX1qf0rpdo1_250 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_lw1hv39rxX1qf0rpdo2_250 For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Tumblr_lw1hv39rxX1qf0rpdo4_250
Maintenant que tu as accès à tout le forum, tu vas pouvoir créer une petite fiche de liens, ainsi tu ne resteras pas dans ton coin. Mais ce n'est pas tout, pour faire avancer ton personnage tu peux créer un scénario. Pour ne pas le laisser à la rue et dormir sur un banc, tu peux faire une demande de logement, mais aussi une demande de métier, ainsi tu pourras gagner de l'argent et payer ton loyer. De plus, si tu veux faire connaître le forum, tu pourras voter sur les tops-sites et remonter le topic sur bazzart. Si tu as une petite envie de faire connaissance avec les autres membres du forum, tu peux aller sur la cbox, mais aussi dans le flood.
Je n'ai rien à redire, tu es validée. For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 1234828167 Et si la demoiselle est infirmière, il va nous falloir un lien, et je n'accepterai pas de refus. For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. 102524921

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For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.   For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists. Empty

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For most problems the Marine is issued a solution. If ill, go to sickbay. If wounded, call a Corpsman. If dead, report to graves registration. If losing his mind, however, no standard solution exists.

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